01 Jun The events of summer 2022 in Fano
June 20th, 2022
So many events that will crowd the Fano summer, finally we dare to say, after 2 years of restrictions. Below you will find a list that we will try to keep updated in these summer months. It begins!

June 21, 2022
On 21 June 1982, with the initiative conceived by the French Ministry of Culture, amateur and professional musicians invaded streets, courtyards, squares, gardens, stations, museums throughout France. Since 2002, thanks to the work done by the AIPFM (Italian Association for the Promotion of the Music Festival), more than 120 cities have joined in Italy, creating a network distributed throughout the national territory. Many live music concerts are held every year, on June 21, in all cities, mainly in the open air, with the participation of musicians of all levels and of all kinds.
Free concerts, the value of the musical gesture, spontaneity, availability, curiosity, all the music belongs to the Festival. Amateur or professional, everyone can express themselves freely, the Music Festival belongs, first of all, to those who do it.

June 20/26, 2022
The only Italian cultural event dedicated to books of this literary genre, devoted to analysis and study, comparison and study, returns to Fano.
THE EVENTS ARE FREE AND WITHOUT RESERVATION: with the exception of the Guided Tours (for a fee and with reservation), the Scuola Passaggi Masterclasses (for a fee and with reservation), the Children’s Workshops (free, with reservation)

July, 1-2-3 2022
The Palio delle Contrade, Medieval and cultural festival organized by the “La Pandolfaccia” Historical Group.
Piazza XX Settembre Fano (Pu).
For more info visit the official website

July 22-31, 2022
One of the most important and populated musical events related to the world of jazz in Italy. FANOJAZZ BY THE SEA is back this year, a week at the Rocca Malatestiana full of concerts and contemporary creative music.

Date to be defined (first half of August)
Food and wine and a spectacular fireworks display
Every year the traditional Sea Festival takes place in Fano which includes celebrations, food and wine events and ends with a spectacular fireworks display on the sea. An event that has become a fixed appointment for families of residents and involves tourists present in the city and in the neighboring area.

Agoust 24, 2022
Saint Bartolomeo, which is celebrated on August 24, coincides with the traditional Fair which represents an important economic, commercial and social event for the city of Fano. Each year the Fair has about 250 stalls and food stands and the number tends to grow every year. The hours of sale to the public will be from 7 to 24.

Septembre 9-10-11, 2022
BrodettoFest is an event dedicated to culture, history and seafaring tradition which in 2022 reaches its 20th edition.
There are two characterizing elements: the wisdom of the fishermen and the great guests of the food world, who have created a winning mix between tradition and renewal of seafood, making BrodettoFest one of the most important and well-known gastronomic events on the Italian scene. The places of the brodettofest will be the following.

What do you think, have we convinced you?
We hope so and we hope to see our city always full of tourists as it is every year! To stay in Fano you just have to contact us by email asking for a personalized quote for the period you prefer. You can do it at this link. Soon!